How to Play:
Control the white planet to strategically place Gravity Wells that influence the movement of objects in the environment. Use the left mouse button to place a Gravity Well and the right mouse button to remove one (if you have remaining undo attempts).
Press "R" to restart.
Lecture Detail:
The player object is controlled with a Rigidbody2D, and AddForce is used to simulate gravitational pull. OnCollisionEnter2D handles bounce-back interactions, OntriggerEnter2D detects if the player is inside the effect or has reached the goal, while Physics2D.Raycast detects clicks when placing and removing Gravity Wells.
Level 1: Introduces Gravity Well mechanics.
Level 2: Adds moving orbital for timing challenges.
Level 3: Adds bounce blocks and more orbitals.
Design Details:
The game provides clear and effective feedback to enhance the player experience. Successful actions, like placing a Gravity Well, are reinforced with a satisfying sound effect and visual effect (a swirling black hole animation). Negative actions, such as hitting a wall or running out of undo attempts, trigger a sound and a countdown timer.
The game mechanics have evolved through multiple playtests and adjustments. Early versions lacked control precision, prompting the addition of an undo feature for better strategy. The gravity pull force was much lower, it provided a nicer control but lacked fun and chaos. A countdown system was introduced to maintain tension after undo attempts run out.
This time I tried to use the camera lens distortion and other post-processing effects to create a Fallout 4-style terminal screen. It turns out very well.
Technical Details:
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