How to play:

Drag and release your mouse to launch! Be aware of the red square and spike, they'll kill you... Escape this room!

Lecture detail:

State Machine: I used a state machine for my enemy object, it has 3 states; Idle, Chase, and Touch. The Idle state sets the enemy to stay and do nothing, it's a default state I used as a bridge. The enemy object will turn into the Chase state when the player is within a certain range, which allows the enemy to start to chase the player. The Touch state is a state that stops the endless chasing after the enemy object collides with the player, and it will start to reduce the player's health.

Design details:

Iteration: Since this game is all about drag and release, the launch force and the drag distance are important. I gave a small launch force with an endless drag distance at the beginning, but I found out that not only the camera was moving too slowly to follow the player, but the player may just run into the spike. So I made several rounds of improvement just to adjust the feeling, it ended up with high launch force but very limited drag distance.

Freshness: This is the first time I made a game without any third-party assets(except font). Instead, I used post-processing to create the horror theme for my game, such as film grain, color adjustment, etc. I like what it comes out of overall.

Technical details:




Published 15 days ago
Made withUnity


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This game would be so sick with highly detailed assets, gameplay reminds me a little of your fall game jam submission lol

I wish I could import some sick assets...but that's okay I'm glad you like it.